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Pastor Jackie

Goodbye Shame, Hello Freedom: Overcoming the Power of Secrets and Shame

In Genesis 3:8-9, we read about Adam and Eve hiding from God after they sinned. The question "Where are you?" from God shows us that He knew they had sinned and were hiding in shame. Since then, shame has been a powerful tool used by Satan to keep us hiding from God and ourselves. Shame can keep us from fulfilling our destiny and living a life of purpose.

Everyone has secrets, whether they are inside or outside the Church. Sexual abuse is one of the most common secrets held by many, with statistics showing that one out of three women and one out of five men have experienced it. Sexual sin committed against us can be a powerful force that derails our life's purpose, and shame has a way of short-circuiting our destiny.

In Genesis 3:7, we see that Adam and Eve felt shame and covered themselves with fig leaves after they sinned. Shame has been a tool of the enemy since then, and it can keep us hiding in guilt, fear, and isolation. However, the truth is that what we do not reveal cannot heal. It is essential to bring our secrets out into the open and expose them to the light of God's love and forgiveness.

We can overcome shame and the power of secrets by confessing our sins to God and receiving His forgiveness. We can also find support and help from counselors, mentors, and support groups. The Bible says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" (James 5:16).

At Hallelujah Kingdom Ministry, we believe in the power of God's love and grace to heal and restore us from the effects of shame and secrets. We offer faith-based counseling and support to help individuals overcome the shame of their past and find freedom in Christ.

In conclusion, it is time to say goodbye to shame and hello to freedom. We can overcome the power of secrets by bringing them into the light of God's love and forgiveness. At Hallelujah Kingdom Ministry, we are here to help individuals find healing and restoration from the effects of shame and secrets.

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