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Pastor Jackie

Self Love - Loving Yourself 100%

Self-love: Loving Yourself 100%

 is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.

What is Self Love:

Self-love means that you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and wellbeing.

Self-love encompasses not only how you treat yourself but also your thoughts and feelings about yourself. So, when you conceptualize self-love, you can try to imagine what you would do for yourself, how you talk to yourself, and how you feel about yourself that reflects love and concern.

When you love yourself, you have an overall positive view of yourself. This doesn't mean you feel positive about yourself all the time. That would be unrealistic! For example, I can temporarily feel upset, angry, or disappointed with myself and still love myself. If this is confusing, think about how this works in other relationships. I can love my son even though I sometimes feel angry or disappointed with him. Even in the midst of my anger and disappointment, my love for him informs how I relate to him. It allows me to forgive him, consider his feelings, meet his needs, and make decisions that will support his wellbeing. Self-love is very much the same. Which means, if you know how to love others, you know how to love yourself!

Have you ever heard the expression, “You can’t help someone else until you help yourself”? The same applies to self-love. How can you love someone if you don’t love yourself first?

 What does self-love mean? Self-love is the gift that keeps on giving.   Do you say yes when you really mean no? Do you break promises to yourself or neglect your self-care? Is it hard to put yourself first?  If so, it’s time to give yourself the most important gift ever: Self-love.

Self-love is your secret weapon to living a fulfilling life. That’s because your inner world creates your outer world.  Before you can receive love and respect from others, you need to love and respect yourself.  When you make decisions out of guilt, a need to please or to avoid conflict, you overvalue the needs of others and disrespect yourself.

Some people equate self-love with selfishness.   When you think this way, it becomes hard to take good care of yourself. Delete that limiting belief from your mind.  Create a new belief that echoes in your ear: “It’s okay to put my needs first.” Repeat often.  

The good news is when you love yourself fully you feed your soul and become the highest version of yourself.

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